In life, some images stick with you from childhood. Some blissful images of joy will be there if you try to remember; if you’re chatting with friends about stuff that happened. A lot of the time you’re not with friends though, are you? And,then when you think back,you get other things. You get scary times, times that you didn’t understand before but they reveal their meanings to you as you become more experienced with the world. There are times where your mum was crying and you went quiet because she always cries and she’s doing it again but now that you’ve struggled to pay the bills and had emergencies that you can’t afford, you realise just what she was going through. Times when you would see her going down the stairs in the middle of the night with a knife because there are noises down there. They all make so much sense now but the one that plays in repeat in my mind, isn’t one that I can make any sense of. It’s a burning memory of which I’m sure there are reasons behind but I’m still no wiser.
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